The OBSSR and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Adherence Research Network hosted a series of workshops titled “An Action Agenda: Promoting the Science and Practice of Health Behavior Maintenance.” The goal of these workshops was to develop a deeper understanding of health behavior maintenance to better promote and sustain positive health outcomes. These workshops built on previous efforts by the OBSSR and the NIH Health Maintenance Consortium to identify the processes, components, and contextual factors that influence health behavior maintenance.
Workshop 3: Interventions for Behavior Maintenance aimed to share the state of the science on interventions designed to promote behavior maintenance across different behaviors, disease contexts, and populations. The workshop emphasized innovative approaches to supporting and understanding maintenance behaviors within the context of intervention research, with special attention to addressing health equity and disparities in intervention development.
The first half of the workshop highlighted interventions for promoting behavior maintenance. While the focus was on person-based interventions, examples also explored the relative effects of multilevel interventions.
The second half of the workshop featured a panel discussion highlighting gaps and opportunities for advancing the understanding of behavior maintenance in behavioral interventions.