Understanding and Addressing the Health Impacts of Online Abuse and Harassment Workshop

Date: December 7–8, 2023
Location: Online

The White House Task Force to Address Online Harassment and Abuse was established via Presidential Memorandum on June 16, 2022 to address online harassment and abuse, specifically technology-facilitated gender-based violence. In consultation with survivors, advocates, educators, experts from diverse fields, and the private sector, the Task Force developed specific recommendations to improve prevention, response, and protection efforts through programs and policies in the United States and globally. As part of this effort, NIH hosted a scientific workshop to identify gaps, opportunities, and challenges in advancing a research agenda to better understand the clinical, health, and developmental impacts of online harassment and abuse and develop innovative prevention and intervention efforts.

View workshop information and videocast

Key Highlights From the Workshop

Landscape Analysis Summary for the NIH Online Harassment Research Portfolio