Health and Health Care Disparities Among Persons Living with Disabilities (R01 - Clinical Trials Optional) | PAR-23-309 | NIMHD | 202401051/5/2024 | 2026110611/6/2026 |
Notice of Special Interest in Research on the Health of Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) Populations | NOT-MD-19-001 | NIMHD | 201903133/13/2019 | 20991231N/A |
Notice of Special Interest in Understanding Factors in Infancy and Early Childhood (Birth to 24 months) That Influence Obesity Development | NOT-DK-19-007 | NIDDK | 201901071/7/2019 | 20991231N/A |
Risk and Protective Factors of Family Health and Family Level Interventions (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-21-358 | NIMHD | 202205055/5/2022 | 202505085/8/2025 |
Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-22-105 | NCI | 202205155/15/2022 | 202505085/8/2025 |
Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | PAR-22-106 | NCI | 202205165/16/2022 | 202509089/8/2025 |
Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-22-109 | NCI | 202205165/16/2022 | 202505085/8/2025 |
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Preventive Interventions to Address Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Populations that Experience Health Disparities | NOT-OD-22-154 | ODP | 2022100510/5/2022 | 202509089/8/2025 |
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): HEAL Initiative: Opioid Use Disorder Care Pathways for Individuals with Histories of Exposure to Violence | NOT-DA-23-007 | NIDA | 2022101210/12/2022 | 202507137/13/2025 |
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Implementation Science to Advance Maternal Health and Maternal Health Equity for the IMPROVE initiative | NOT-HD-22-043 | NICHD | 202302062/6/2023 | 202505085/8/2025 |
Addressing the Impact of Structural Racism and Discrimination on Minority Health and Health Disparities (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-23-112 | NIMHD | 202302242/24/2023 | 202601081/8/2026 |
BRAIN Initiative: Optimization of Instrumentation and Device Technologies for Recording and Modulation in the Nervous System (U01 Clinical Trials Not Allowed) | RFA-NS-24-005 | NINDS | 202305305/30/2023 | 202601211/21/2026 |
BRAIN Initiative: New Technologies and Novel Approaches for Recording and Modulation in the Nervous System (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | RFA-NS-24-004 | NINDS | 202305305/30/2023 | 202601211/21/2026 |
Research With Activities Related to Diversity (ReWARD) (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-23-122 | NIGMS | 202305055/5/2023 | 202605085/8/2026 |
Instrumentation Grant Program for Resource-Limited Institutions (S10 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | PAR-23-138 | NIGMS | 202306036/3/2023 | 202506036/3/2025 |
Jointly Sponsored Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Institutional Predoctoral Training Program in the Neurosciences (T32 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | PAR-22-265 | NINDS | 202304254/25/2023 | 202505265/26/2025 |
BRAIN Initiative Fellows: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (F32) | RFA-MH-23-110 | NIMH | 202307097/9/2023 | 202508128/12/2025 |
BRAIN Initiative: Exploratory Research Opportunities Using Invasive Neural Recording and Stimulating Technologies in the Human Brain (R61 Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required) | RFA-DC-24-001 | NIDCD | 202308228/22/2023 | 202509209/20/2025 |
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research to Address Vaccine Uptake and Implementation among Populations Experiencing Health Disparities | NOT-MD-23-008 | NIMHD | 202305175/17/2023 | 202606066/6/2026 |
Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | PA-23-189 | NIH/CDC | 20230701Varied | 202605085/8/2026 |
NIH Blueprint and BRAIN Initiative Program for Enhancing Neuroscience Diversity through Undergraduate Research Education Experiences (BP BRAIN-ENDURE) (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | RFA-NS-24-014 | NINDS | 202401151/15/2024 | 202503113/11/2025 |
NIH Brain Development Cohorts (NBDC) Biospecimen Access (X01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | PAR-23-229 | NIDA | 202309059/5/2023 | 202605065/6/2026 |
Notice of Special Interest in Research on Family Support and Rejection in the Health and Well-Being of SGM Populations | NOT-OD-23-166 | NIA | 202309259/25/2023 | 202605085/8/2026 |
Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health (R21 Clinical Trials Optional) | PAR-23-299 | NIDA | 202409219/21/2024 | 202701081/8/2027 |
Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-23-298 | NIDA | 202409219/21/2024 | 202701081/8/2027 |
Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health (R34 Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-23-285 | NIDA | 202409219/21/2024 | 202701081/8/2027 |
BRAIN Initiative: New Concepts and Early-Stage Research for Recording and Modulation in the Nervous System (R21) (Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | RFA-EY-23-001 | NEI | 202405155/15/2024 | 202606166/16/2026 |
HEAL Initiative: Research to Increase Implementation of Substance Use Preventive Services (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) | RFA-DA-24-067 | NIDA | 2023121712/17/2023 | 202601171/17/2026 |
Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Research (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-23-293 | NHGRI | 202401191/19/2024 | 2026111911/19/2026 |
Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-23-294 | NHGRI | 202401191/19/2024 | 2026111911/19/2026 |
Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Small Research Grant (R03 Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-23-295 | NHGRI | 202401191/19/2024 | 202601171/17/2026 |
NIH Blueprint and BRAIN Initiative Diversity Specialized Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Advancement in Neuroscience (D-SPAN) Award (F99/K00 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | RFA-NS-24-030 | NINDS | 202403153/15/2024 | 2026100710/7/2026 |
Nursing Research Education Program in Firearm Injury Prevention Research: Short Courses (R25 Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | PAR-24-061 | NINR | 2023122512/25/2023 | 202605265/26/2026 |
Notice of Special Interest: Women’s Health Research | NOT-OD-24-079 | ORWH | 202405065/6/2024 | 2027/11/0511/5/2027 |
Addressing Health and Health Care Disparities among Sexual and Gender Minority Populations (R01 - Clinical Trials Optional) | PAR-24-077 | NIMHD | 2023113011/30/2023 | 2027/01/081/8/2027 |
Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network (BPN): Small Molecule Drug Discovery and Development of Disorders of the Nervous System (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-24-043 | NINDS | 2023110211/2/2023 | 2026/08/198/19/2026 |
Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network (BPN): Small Molecule Drug Discovery and Development for Disorders of the Nervous System (U44 Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-24-063 | NINDS | 2023110111/1/2023 | 202608198/19/2026 |
Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity (K99/R00 - Independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required (BESH) | PAR-24-227 | NINDS | 202407237/23/2024 | 202709089/8/2027 |
Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity (K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Required) | PAR-24-226 | NINDS | 202407237/23/2024 | 202709089/8/2027 |
Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity (K99/R00 Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | PAR-24-225 | NIGMS | 202407237/23/2024 | 202709089/8/2027 |
Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) Organizational Research Education Award to Promote Diversity (UE5 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | PAR-24-224 | NIGMS | 202407237/23/2024 | 202609299/29/2026 |
BRAIN Initiative: Brain-Behavior Quantification and Synchronization Transformative and Integrative Models of Behavior at the Organismal Level (U01 Clinical Trials Not Allowed) | RFA-DA-24-041 | NIDA | 202405295/29/2024 | 2026101010/10/2026 |
BRAIN Initiative: Brain-Behavior Quantification and Synchronization Transformative and Integrative Models of Behavior at the Organismal Level (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) | RFA-DA-24-040 | NIDA | 202405295/29/2024 | 2026101010/10/2026 |
Interventions to Reduce Sleep Health Disparities (R01 - Clinical Trials Optional) | PAR-24-110 | NIMHD | 202404194/19/2024 | 202709089/8/2027 |
BRAIN Initiative: Data Archives for the BRAIN Initiative (R24 Clinical Trial Optional) | RFA-MH-25-110 | NIMH | 202403193/19/2024 | 202606256/25/2026 |
Guide Notice of Information Highlighting Harmonization and Data Sharing Expectations for Supplement and Revision Projects Addressing Social, Behavioral, Economic and Health Impacts of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency | NOT-OD-20-118 | NIH | 202006106/10/2020 | 20991231N/A |
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research on the Health of Women of Underrepresented, Underserved, and Underreported (U3) Populations (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional) | NOT-OD-24-179 | ORWH | 2024101110/11/2024 | 202601231/23/2026 |
Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network (BPN): Biologic-based Drug Discovery and Development for Disorders of the Nervous System (U44 Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-24-294 | NINDS | 2024100110/1/2024 | 202708198/19/2027 |
Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network (BPN): Biologic-based Drug Discovery and Development for Disorders of the Nervous System (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-24-293 | NINDS | 2024100110/1/2024 | 202708198/19/2027 |
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Analysis of Existing Linked Datasets to Understand the Relationship between Housing Program Participation and Risk for Chronic Diseases and Other Conditions (R01-Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | NOT-DK-24-029 | NIDDK | 202408198/19/2024 | 202709089/8/2027 |
Digital Health Technology Derived Biomarkers and Outcome Assessments for Remote Monitoring and Endpoint Development (UG3/UH3 - Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-25-170 | NINDS | 2024111311/13/2024 | 202606236/23/2026 |
Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-25-143 | NCI | 2024103110/31/2024 | 202801081/8/2028 |
Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | PAR-25-233 | NCI | 2024103010/30/2024 | 202801081/8/2028 |
Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-25-144 | NCI | 2024102910/29/2024 | 202801081/8/2028 |
BRAIN Initiative: Promoting Equity Through BRAIN Technology Partnerships (R34 - Clinical Trials Not Allowed) | RFA-NS-25-016 | NINDS | 2024112111/21/2024 | 202606186/18/2026 |
Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Research (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-25-371 | NHGRI | 202501131/13/2025 | 2026111911/19/2026 |
Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Small Research Grant (R03 Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-25-370 | NHGRI | 202501131/13/2025 | 2026111711/17/2026 |
Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-25-369 | NHGRI | 202501131/13/2025 | 2026111911/19/2026 |
Limited Competition: Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program: Collaborative and Innovative Acceleration Award (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-25-296 | NCATS | 2024121112/11/2024 | 2027102010/20/2027 |
Interventions to Reduce Sleep Health Disparities (R01 - Clinical Trials Optional | PAR-24-330 | NIMHD | 2024120612/6/2024 | 202709089/8/2027 |
Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-25-379 | NIDA | 202501211/21/2025 | 202701081/8/2027 |
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Understanding and Addressing Weight Stigma, Bias, and Discrimination to Promote Health Equity | NOT-HL-24-032 | NHLBI | 202501141/14/2025 | 202805085/8/2028 |
Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health (R34 Clinical Trial Optional) | PAR-25-378 | NIDA | 202501221/22/2025 | 202701081/8/2027 |