In the Know
Events and Announcements
Training on Optimization of Behavioral and Biobehavioral Interventions
Applications to attend a five-day, multi-presenter training on the Optimization of Behavioral and Biobehavioral Interventions are now being accepted. The training will be held May 14-18 in Bethesda, Maryland. The training will cover the multiphase optimization strategy (MOST); factorial and fractional factorial optimization trials; adaptive interventions; the sequential, multiple assignment, randomized trial (SMART); and obtaining funds for optimization projects. In addition, a variety of researchers will describe how they are optimizing behavioral and biobehavioral interventions, followed by a panel discussion of scientific, operational, and practical considerations. Applications must be submitted by January 26, 2018.
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Application Process Open for 2018 mHealth Training Institute
Applications for the 2018 mHealth Training Institute or mHTI (July 29 to August 3, 2018, at the University of California, Los Angeles) are now being accepted. Building on the success of past mHTIs, the weeklong immersion program uses a blended learning environment to provide selected scholars with a core grounding in latest mHealth methodologies and develops their capacity to successfully contribute to team science. Through reflective and active learning guided by faculty mentors, scholars will apply the gained knowledge to developing transdisciplinary mHealth solutions for real-world health problems, while building an interdisciplinary learning community and a dense scientific network. The application deadline is January 27, 2018.
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Eighteenth Annual Summer Institute on Randomized Behavioral Clinical Trials
OBSSR in collaboration with NHLBI will hold the Eighteenth Annual Summer Institute on Randomized Behavioral Clinical Trials on July 8-19, 2018, in Warrenton, Virginia. The purpose of the multi-day training is to provide a thorough grounding in the conduct of randomized clinical trials to researchers interested in developing competence in the planning, design, and execution of randomized clinical trials involving behavioral interventions. The deadline for submitting a completed application is February 2, 2018.
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NIH Single IRB Policy Reminder
As we approach the implementation date for NIH’s Policy on the Use of a Single Institutional Review Board (Single IRB) for Multi-Site Research, we would like to remind you of the resources available for understanding this policy. The policy affects multi-site studies involving non-exempt human subjects research funded by NIH, and applies to grant applications with due dates on or after January 25, 2018, and R&D contracts in response to solicitations issued on or after January 25, 2018.
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Be Careful to Pick the Right Funding Opportunity Announcement
Recent policy changes requiring clinical trial applications to be submitted to FOAs that specifically allow clinical trials, first announced in fall of 2016, impact how all NIH applicants choose a FOA, whether you are submitting a clinical trial or not. Over the last year, each NIH Institute and Center has been carefully evaluating its research funding priorities and strategic goals and using that information to articulate their funding priorities for clinical trials. They are communicating their priorities through the funding opportunity announcements they issue.
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