Past Research Spotlights

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Research Spotlights by Year

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018

Activating endocannabinoid receptors can disrupt anxiety-causing connections in the brain

During play, infant and adult brains synchronize

Activity tracker data may help improve flu-like outbreak predictions

Cannabis use has increased, especially in individuals with depression

Exercising 2.5 to 5 hours per week may lower the risk of several cancer types

New computer game may predict opioid use relapse

Cord blood measures may predict children's social and emotional development

Puberty may hold the key to resetting stress responses after early life adversity

Improving psychosis-risk detection in people with schizophrenia

Occupation as a key social determinant of health

Persons with schizophrenia may process sound differently

Combining mindfulness with medicine may help reduce opioid cravings

Stigmas can increase public health risks

High school students with stronger peer-to-adult networks have fewer suicide attempts

Tweets reveal symptoms of nicotine dependence in JUUL users

Making long-term memories requires teamwork

Double the benefit: Treating posttraumatic stress disorder leads to a decrease in the incidence of type 2 diabetes in veterans

Your networks influence your social perceptions

Seeing is feeling - How Artificial Intelligence is helping us understand emotions

Why give up now? Scientists gain new insights into motivation and reward seeking

Stress during pregnancy is linked with long-term effects on mother’s health

More years of education may reduce your risk of heart disease—A natural experiment

Assessing sleep to predict Alzheimer’s disease

"Nudges" to change palliative care

Youth suicide rates in the U.S. increasing, especially in younger girls

What has happened to the “golden rule”? Shifting moral rules and insights into social decision-making

Researchers make strides in treating depression in Parkinson’s disease

Americans continue to be sedentary despite public health warnings

Scientists identify early visual attention deficits in infants at risk for autism spectrum disorder

Scientists translate brain signals into speech