Research Spotlights

Our research spotlights focus on behavioral and social sciences funded by the National Institutes of Health. These articles are for informational purposes only. They do not signify endorsement of specific studies or offer medical or treatment advice.

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Research Spotlights

Socioeconomic status is related to adult brain anatomy and organization

Opioids and non-opioid analgesics affect different types of stress

Sensory impairments predict future health in aging adults

Research Spotlights

Weight loss success predicted by brain networks

Identifying geographic hot spots of intentional injury may serve prevention efforts

Failing to report adverse events is not just about losing compensation

Research Spotlights

Holding on to stress-related emotions negatively effects health a decade later

Genetic risk for low educational attainment predicts criminal behavior

Individuals are willing to pay more for unhealthy food they are craving

Research Spotlights

The Great Recession raised Americans’ blood pressure and glucose levels

How you smile can induce physiological stress in others

Predicting chronic opioid use with electronic health record data

Research Spotlights

Parent’s technology obsession contributes to behavioral problems in kids

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders higher than previously thought

Depressive symptoms before head and neck cancer treatment increases mortality risk

Research Spotlights

Underrepresentation of minorities in research studies is not due to unwillingness

Racial differences in influenza vaccination among high-risk individuals

Inflammation-related genes not prenatal stress associated with increased childhood adiposity

Research Spotlights

Online game increases family physical activity levels

Obesity gene: Thinking you don’t have it can increase unhealthy eating behaviors

Cognitive behavior therapy treats depressive symptoms as well as antidepressant medications

Research Spotlights

Community health worker intervention improves health of patients with multiple chronic diseases

Paid sick leave reduces mortality risk in US working adults

Childhood Socioeconomic status modifies genetic variant for body mass index

Research Spotlights

Health behavior profiles of U.S. adults

Affect, self-management behavior and glucose control in Latinos with Type 2 diabetes

Does smoking and obesity-related mortality risk vary internationally?

Research Spotlights

High-fat diet increases pain behaviors in rats regardless of obesity status

Income, not healthy food access, drives cardiovascular risk in food desert residents

Adolescent victimization exacerbates the influence of loneliness on sleep quality in young adults