FY2014 OppNet Funded Projects

RFA-DA-14-002: Short-term Mentored Career Enhancement Awards in the Basic Behavioral and Social Sciences: Cross-training at the Intersection of Animal Models and Human Investigation (K18)
Activity Project Number PI Name Institution Title Award Total ($) Abstract
K18 1K18MH105099-01 BAUMAN, MELISSA UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT DAVIS Translating paradigms from clinical populations to animal models of schizophrenia 77, 635 Abstract
K18 1K18AG048706-01 MAGNUSSON, KATHY UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE Cross-training in human functional imaging for cognitive aging 139, 787 Abstract
K18 1K18MH105098-01 NEIGH, GRETCHEN GEORGIA HEALTH SCIENCES UNIVERSITY GLUT 1 Polymorphism decreases incidence of Depression and PTSD after Trauma 78, 768 Abstract

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RFA-EY-13-001: Basic Behavioral Research on Multisensory Processing (R21)
Activity Project Number PI Name Institution Title Award Total ($) Abstract
R21 1R21DC014523-01 BERNSTEIN, LYNNE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Multisensory training for Unisensory Perceptual Learning 250,000 Abstract

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RFA-LM-12-002: Basic Social and Behavioral Research on Culture, Health and Wellbeing (R24)
Activity Project Number PI Name Institution Title Award Total ($) Abstract
R24 1R24HD083298-01 OZER, EMILY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY Culture, Health and Adolescence Research Network (CHARN) 250,000 Abstract


RFA-MD-13-005: Limited Competition: Revision Applications for Basic Social and Behavioral Research on the Social, Cultural, Biological and Psychological mechanisms of Stigma (R01)
Activity Project Number PI Name Institution Title Award Total ($) Abstract
R01 3R01MH095254-04S1 LINK, BRUCE COLUMBIA  UNIVERSITY HEALTH SCIENCES A school-based intervention to reduce Stigma & promote Mental-Health Service use 153,277  Abstract 
R01 3R01HD058831-04S1 MUNSHI, KAIVAN PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY -UNIVERSITY PARK Using Community Participation to Improve the Health System in South India 123,082  Abstract 

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RFA-TW-13-002: Research on the Role of Epigenetics in Social, Behavioral, Environmental and Biological Relationships, throughout the Life-Span and across Generations (R21)
Activity Project Number PI Name Institution Title Award Total ($) Abstract
R21 1R21DK104985-01 BRAY, MOLLY UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, AUSTIN Epigenetic and Genetic mechanisms driving exerciseresponse and adherence 231,750 Abstract
R21 1R21HL127368-01 DAI, JUN VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY Characterizing life-span Sociobehavioral determinants of DNA(Hydroxy) Methylation 249,250 Abstract
R21 1R21ES025456-01 DOLINOY, DANA UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Environmental Exposures in early life: Epigenetics and Neurodevelopment 233,125 Abstract
R21 1R21HD083638-01 KINNALLY, ERIN UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT DAVIS Transgenerational effects of early stress 231,600 Abstract
R21 1R21MH106715-01 KOENEN, KARESTAN COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY HEALTH SCIENCES Epigenetic links between the Social Environment and Emotional Brain Function 214,297 Abstract
R21 1R21GM114457-01 REINBERG, DANNY NEW YORK  UNIVERSITY SCHOOL MEDICINE Reinforcement of Epigenetic memory by Social Interactions in ants 254,250 Abstract
R21 1R21MH106716-01 RILLING, JAMES EMORY UNIVERSITY OXTR Methylation as a potential Modulator of Intranasal OT influences in humans 195,000 Abstract
R21 1R21AG049936-01 TUNG, JENNY DUKE UNIVERSITY Epigenetic Consequences of  Social Status across the Life Span in a Primate model 236,000 Abstract
R21 1R21AT008679-01 XU, XIANGRU YALE UNIVERSITY Study DNA Methylation changes in brain aging and Rapamycin treatment 248,997 Abstract
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Links among DNA methylation Neurophenotypes and alcohol use Disorders (AUDS) 254,250 Abstract
R21 1R21AA023800-01 ZHAO, YIHONG