FY2018 OppNet Funded Grant Applications

PAR-18-349: Short-term Mentored Career Enhancement Awards for Mid-Career Investigators to Integrate Basic Behavioral and Social Sciences (K18-No Independent Clinical Trials)
Activity Project number PI name Institution Title Award Total Abstract
K18 AT010207-01 PUETT, ROBIN UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK Parent and child-informed, environmentally-responsive, pediatric asthma study $100,000 Abstract


PAR-16-326: Advancing Basic Behavioral and Social Research on Resilience: An Integrative Science Approach (UG3/UH3)
Activity Project number PI name Institution Title Award Total Abstract
UH3 AG057039-02 Bergeman, Cindy S. University of Notre Dame An integrative science approach to resilience: The Notre Dame study of health and wellbeing $632,687 Abstract
UH3 MH114249-02 Burt, S. Alexandra Michigan State University Mechanisms underlying resilience to neighborhood disadvantage $739,312 Abstract
UH3 CA220642 Park, Crystal L. University of Connecticut, Storrs Multilevel resilience trajectories in the transition to cancer survivorship $652,405 Abstract
UH3 AT009651 POLUSNY, MELISSA A UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Advancing research on mechanisms of resilience (ARMOR): Prospective longitudinal study of adaptation in new military recruits $629,790 Abstract