Director's Voice Blog

In the monthly Director’s Voice Blog, OBSSR leadership discusses timely topics related to behavioral and social sciences research (BSSR). Subscribe to receive updates.

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February 2 is National Wear Red Day, kicking off American Heart Month. We join our colleagues at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) in The Heart Truth program to increase awareness that heart disease is the leading cause of death among women and to increase awareness of the risk factors for heart disease. A few of the risk factors for heart disease are out of our control—getting older, having a family history of early heart disease or a history of preeclampsia during pregnancy—but most of the risk factors for heart disease are modifiable behaviors.
If you offered people on the street $100 to name a living scientist or an institution where medical or health research is conducted, most could not. A recently released Research! America nationwide survey on Americans’ attitudes about the visibility of scientists and the scientific community found that 81 percent could not name a single living scientist and over two-thirds could not name a single institution, company, or organization where health research is conducted.