NIH Launches UNITE Initiative to Address Structural Racism in Biomedical Research
Addressing Structural Racism to Improve Health
Reflections on 2020 and the Role of Behavioral and Social Sciences
NIH Releases Report Summarizing Research on Vaccine Communication
Expanding the Role of the Behavioral and Social Sciences in Population Health: OBSSR 2011–2014
The NIH Strategic Planning Committee: Contributions of Social and Behavioral Research in Addressing the Opioid Crisis (CSBR-AOC)
The CSBR-AOC is a NIH-wide committee charged with identifying resources, goals, potential areas for further development, activities, and other strategies to identify opportunities for the behavioral and social sciences to contribute to the broader NIH mission to combat the opioid and pain crises.
COVID-19 Initiatives
Many of the strategies to reduce the transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, include social and behavioral interventions like handwashing, social distancing, paid sick leave, and risk communication. These measures significantly impact not only disease transmission but also the economy, social life, and other health conditions, such as mental health, substance use, and stress.
NIH-wide Pain and Opioid Initiatives
The OBSSR is playing a significant role in the Helping to End Addiction Long-term℠ Initiative, or HEAL Initiative℠, a trans-agency effort focused on improving prevention and treatment strategies for opioid misuse and addiction, and enhancing pain management.